We learn, test and innovate so that the IT solution we will offer you tomorrow will be more valuable than the one we offer today. We don’t wish to be easy, we wish to be better.

© Copyright Magnetic IT Services

IT Consulting

We help you identify the right IT strategy for your business growth. We offer consulting and second opinion services for network architecture, digital transformation, improved operations and the acquisition of software and hardware adapted to the objectives.

When the company business depends on the performance of IT equipment, choosing the technology that will help you grow your business is a difficult task. You cannot risk investing large amounts of money in equipment that won’t support you in achieving your goals. Nor can you make a decision without clearly knowing what further resources your investment requires.


In order to anticipate correctly, your IT team should have already tested all the technologies among the options. At Magnetic IT Services, we are constantly monitoring and testing new technologies, in order to constantly increase the value we bring to the companies we support.


Whether you need new hardware and software or want to improve existing processes, our IT strategy consulting services will help you choose the right advanced solution, at low cost.

Magnetic IT Services | Consultanta IT

Our solutions have already been tested. We only implement what suits you


We know that it is increasingly difficult to know the new technologies in detail, even if you work in the field. Therefore, before making major changes, it is preferable to listen to a second opinion. You will no longer have to live with the uncertainty of an inappropriate investment. Any confusions regarding the cost-benefit ratio disappear. You save time and money because the choice you make will really help you grow your business.


Here’s why:


  • The technical solutions that the Magnetic IT Services team will offer you are already being tested– We started as Second Opinion providers for complex projects that required a high level of expertise in the area of Infrastructure and Data Center.
  • We use standardized processes– The proposed solutions are not based on subjective evaluations. Thus, the results you will reach are predictable, by standardizing the processes indicating the solution that suits you.
  • Our consultants have prestigious international certifications– The Magnetic IT Services team will discuss transparently and constructively with you. Our engineers have the experience of hundreds of IT consulting projects, through which clients have overcome the most difficult challenges.
  • Our IT consulting service starts with the analysis of your company– First, we make sure that we understand the vision and direction of the organization. The proposed solution will take into account both the existing infrastructure and the business objectives.

Your easy way to adaptability and efficient operations


Most managers fear that the technical solutions recommended to them will fail in supporting the development of the business and that they will generate additional expenses in return. Magnetic IT Services helps companies identify the right strategy, so that they can grow more easily by optimizing operations and increasing adaptability to a constantly changing environment through state-of-the-art technology.


With us you will get:

Quick access to expertise

A whole team of consultants and certified engineers will help you choose and implement the technology you need to achieve your goals in the shortest time.

Single point of contact

A Partner Manager will be your personal consultant. He will work on your project, with an entire team, to finally offer you the best technical solution.

Long-term partnership

Most of our clients prefer the long-term collaboration option.


The Magnetic IT Services team has experience and certifications in eight areas of expertise, from IT infrastructure to cloud, security, software and virtualization. With us, you will find the right solution, no matter what your needs are.


We will present the advantages, disadvantages, and implications of each solution.

We provide consulting in eight areas of expertise:

  • IT Infrastructure
  • Cloud

  • Data Center
  • Infrastructure Migration

  • IT Security
  • Virtualization

  • Backup and Disaster Recovery
  • Software Consulting